Kitty Play Time

Spending the holidays with your pets?

Watch out for these holiday dangers If you are spending holidays with your pets, whether they are new family members or old friends, keep them in mind with these tips! Table scraps can be a big problem for your pup during the holidays. Many times the foods we eat is delicious, and it seems only… Read More

CBD in dogs, what’s the scoop?

What does CBD do to my dog? Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, has become very popular in pet stores around the United States. So what does it do and how does it work? CBD is associated with marijuana, and the ‘high’ feeling it provides, however this feeling is actually associated with tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The… Read More

Day in the Life of All Creatures Vet Hospital

Now that COVID has taken over our lives, we have been having our clients wait in our parking lots and trusting us with the care of our pets. But what really goes on behind closed doors? Let’s walk through a day at ACVH. 7:30 am The lights get turned on at 7:30 am when the… Read More

What is Metabolic Bone Disease and Could My Pet Have It?

What pets can get metabolic bone disease? It is primarily reptiles that have metabolic bone disease when they come to see a veterinarian. The most common species that we see that have metabolic bone disease are bearded dragons and leopard geckos, but any reptile can have the problem. What is metabolic bone disease? Metabolic bone… Read More

Coughing Cats: What Does It Mean?

What is feline asthma? Feline asthma is a disease of the lungs that affects as many as 5% of cats. Most researchers believe that feline asthma is caused by an allergic reaction to something in the air, stimulating the immune system inappropriately. When exposed to these allergens, the airways will constrict due to inflammation. Inflammation… Read More